- https://www.healthydogtreats.com.au/product/cow-hooves-x-20/
- These cow hooves are trimmed, cleaned, and dried for perfect chewing. All puppies enjoy a good chew, and so this bag will satisfy that need. However, as their texture is as hard as many bones, they are likely to only be fully consumed by the hardest biggest chewing dogs. If you are looking for a reliable platform to shop for premium dog treats like cow hooves, you have come to the right place. We have all-natural treats that are perfect for chewing and will become your pet’s favourite chew. We have healthy treats that enable you to extend the best level of care to your pet.

Besides pure chewing satisfaction, relieving boredom, they help strengthen jaws and clean teeth. Rather than using anything artificial with your dog we recommend these as a natural method of assisting removal of tartar and plaque.Also note for those who want the nutritonal best for their dogs, we also supply MINCE Stuffed hooves. NOTE all mince versions have some amount of chicken meat in the mince. You can find them here
Published: February 27, 2024