- https://vastoutdoors.com.au/collections/outdoor-travel-accessories
- Vast Outdoors is an outdoor clothing and equipment store in Hampton East, VIC. Get the best outdoor clothing in Melbourne with a range of quality apparel for summer as well as winter. Enjoy your outdoor trips with the finest collection of shirts, pants and jackets. We provide quick-drying clothes for hectic activities as well as weatherproof wear for wind, snow and rain.

Vast Outdoors is a well-known outdoor gear specialist. With years of experience in the industry, we are one of the best outdoor clothing and equipment stores in Hampton East.
Our staff is always prepared to offer advice or to help you choose the right hiking shoes or winter jacket. We aim to provide you with the best range of products available on the market. Get outdoor clothing in Melbourne from over twenty of the world’s leading brands. Our outdoor clothing is ideal for adventurous trips which require you to mostly stay in the open. We have technical clothing, hiking and camping gear for your trip needs.
Get in touch today!
Published: January 12, 2024
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